Category: Digital Marketing

Top 13 Benefits of an Online Community [UPDATED]

Benefits of an online community in 2021


The Internet is the new fourth world. Every little aspect of human life today is influenced by the Internet to varying degrees. All our basic lifestyle chores are linked to this online world, the fourth world, as we may call it. In this article we will discuss the benefits of an Online Community in 2021.

Building an online community has become the centre of online development. Be it personal or organizational. An online community is imperative because of the various perks that it brings along with the promise of retaining touch, even over a long period.

In the current world status of growing online activity and lesser time to interact, online association with firms and individuals is a big yes!

An online community is an asset that can help one increase their organizational and individual reputation, gain access to customers or services overseas, and enhance productivity.

Unlike what it looks like at first- a sheer no use, an online community can be made one’s most significant asset in the long run, provided they give their best input to building and maintaining it.

Benefits of an online community can be many, but they depend on the kind of stuff you are dealing with. So let us have a quick glimpse into the perks of an online community:


  •     No geographical limits: 

    One of the most lucrative benefits of being a part of an online community is that one can gain access to people and services beyond their remote location. This is particularly of great importance when one has a business model, the profit of which does not get affected by the cost incurred in transportation distance between the supplier and the consumer. The advantage of this can be seen in the case of student and instructor interface as well. The online community hence serves to bridge the gap between people connected either for personal or professional reasons.


  •     Easier dialogue: 

    Remember the days of having to call for every little detail you had to discuss? And the irritation of being unable to get a response urgently? If there is one thing the Internet has created a revolution in, it has to be efficiency in terms of dialogue. One now doesn’t have to run miles to know the price of a commodity he needs to buy and decide his budget. One also doesn’t have to wait in long queues to get their simplest of queries answered. It is all available, just a single click away.


  •     Customer support

    One of the most prominent parts of a business is how one handles the customer. Social customer service can be time consuming and unexpected, hampering the entire schedule. But nothing is more important than a satisfied customer. The loss in customer loyalty is a direct loss to business and is too crucial to be ignored. The use of online forums and discussions streamlines the flow of complaints or questions from the consumer to the provider, saving both cost and credibility as an organization. Furthermore, it helps understand a beneficiary’s expectations from the organization and improves the scope of necessary amendments in policies and tactics.


  •     The wildfire effect

    If your customers love your service and customer support system, they will spread the word freely over these online forums. Thus enhancing your consumer base. This is a direct profit, which comes as a by-product to the efficiency you show in handling one of the aspects of business. The advertisement that a brand or organization does for itself, is natural and often might fail to clear the doubts pertaining to value for money. On the other hand, reviews and testimonials from other customers influence viewers more.


  • Reducing costs

    The maintenance of an online community reduces the cost on many levels. This includes reduction in customer support costs, reduction in communication costs and the need to maintain several employees for these jobs.


  • Collaboration

Once you’ve set up a worthy enough online community, it becomes an online hub where people connect with like-minded people, over different geographical regions, and share ideas without any bar or censor. This creates an online forum, where customer reviews and comments often do wonders! The routine of a healthy dialogue within a mature community of loyal customers and the organization as a moderator can provide solutions to problems in the most unexpected fashion. Also, it can help to identify flaws in the functioning of the organization, which might go unnoticed otherwise.


  • Efficient and Effective with Time and Cost:

Online communities provide us an added benefit to accelerate our market research, Parallel process provide us natural benefit of online communities. Online communities allow research questions to be answered within hours, days or weeks. But you no longer must wait months to get your responses.


  • Deeper Engagement:

Through online community with active engagement and incentives can reap all the benefits of having marketing intelligence at their fingertips. Deeper engagement also comes from early engagement.


  • Organic feedback can be gathered:

Community that have engaged members contain discussions regarding the community brand or topic. Without implementing any specific research questions, unique insights can be obtained by listening and observing the community and can gain organic feedbacks.


  • Results can be gathered quickly:

With online communities (depend on the size and engagement level of members), a research questions can be answered in days rather than weeks or months. and no more time will waste.


  • Sales and Marketing:

Customer advocacy and products /services affinity
Improve natural search and social media optimization (brand and products/services)
Real-time market research and consumer’s intelligence.
Enhance channel presence, web sales and referrals.


  • Companies can instantly connect with their customers:

Feedback from these customers is extremely valuable, branded community allow a brand to tap into one of its most important resources – the customer. By this they can
contact their customer gain engagements.


  • Customer Service and Support:

Increase volume of inbound support calls
Improved customer self-services etc..
Higher customer retention
Enhance customer’s satisfaction
Keeping customer support and engagement
Customer’s service agent’s collaboration/knowledge sharing also.



Building an online community is hence an unparalleled tactic to provide a major boost to your performance as an organization or individual. It also opens the opportunity to generate Income. This helps aggregate the positives and eliminate the negatives as far as you give proper attention to the process of regulating one.

Click this link to become a part of our growing Online Community

In the words of Bill Gates, The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.

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Max Digital Academy November 9, 2020 0 Comments

How to start a Digital Marketing Agency without outside funding?

How to start a Digital Marketing Agency? 

Starting with business is never an easy task. You need to take every step like it can make or break your business. Investing or funding is like the main pillars of your brand. Every business needs investment at first. But how about if I told you that it’s not the same as every other business. Yes, you don’t really need to invest while starting with a business from scratch. One of these businesses is a digital marketing agency. A digital marketing agency is a set of people whose main objective is to promote the brand digitally so that it can increase the number of leads and conversions. In this blog we will discuss some points which may help you start a digital marketing agency from scratch.

Starting a digital marketing agency doesn’t really put stress on your credit card. All you need to have is a good skill set, computer/laptop, a good internet connection, and a workplace (home workplace).

Taking your agency online, through a website, will increase the chance of its visibility and getting more clients. Making a website is not a hectic task nowadays. Content Management Software (CMS) like WordPress, Wix, etc. can be the real stress buster for you. They are user-friendly and self-explanatory, which takes a lot off from your shoulders.

Lets quickly discuss the points to getting started with a digital marketing agency:


1. Choose employee wisely



As you are just starting, it is recommended to be your own HR hero of your agency. Remember, you have to handle everything and every department an organization has.

Post a job listing, take interviews, and hire accordingly. You can go for interns as they will charge less and can put a lot of effort into it.


2. Train your employees and decide how to operate




Providing some webinars, blogs/articles, videos, infographics to your newly hired employees can help them understand what it is actually about.

Making sure they are working fine and on track is your responsibility. Ensure you always find time and help and educate them about the domain even more so they get more clarity.

Stepping further, it is crucial to decide how and from where you can operate your business. At the start, working remotely will be a good choice as renting a workplace is something which may not fit for you.

Using several professional mobile and web applications to get in touch with your team is always a smart choice.

Aligning task to every employee, keeping track, and getting a report of all at the end of the day will make your objectives crystal clear.


3. Choose the best services and right tools



While setting up your digital marketing agency, you should know what services are in demand and what you can offer best so you can have the combination of both and will never fall down.

Some of the services that a digital marketing agency provides are as follows:

●      Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

●      Content marketing and strategies

●      Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

●      Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Choosing service with your expertise can make you stand out from your competition.


4. Make your presence and start getting clients



Reaching out or targeting new clients seems a difficult task, but it isn’t. Making your brand’s presence on different platforms like social media, having your own website, on other websites, etc. can increase your chances of getting new projects.

The primary source where you can get a lot of new clients and projects is through your own website as it opens the doors for you globally.

Having a website also makes you look more professional in the eyes of your clients. By the time, you can create your brand’s presence and reputation in that tough, competitive market which will eventually lead to more conversions and lead for you.


5. Make a difference with the right tools



Choosing the right tools for your agency and marketing strategies can lead you ahead. Some of the digital marketing tools are as follows:

●      Google Analytics

●      Google Keyword Planner

●      Google Search Console

●      Semrush

●      Canva

●      Mail chimp

And much more.

You can use these tools while starting off your digital marketing journey, as most of them are free of cost.



Digital marketing is a great career option one can choose from but again, like every other business, it has its own pros and cons.

Starting off with any business whether it is digital marketing or what can be challenging, but once you put your efforts in, you will start achieving your goals soon.

Sticking by your brand and employees in ups and downs can really make a good impact on both. It can even take a lot of hard work from you at the start, but eventually, if done well, you can see the hard work paying off as getting a lot of clients, dollars in your pocket, and reputation striking up.






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Max Digital Academy November 6, 2020 0 Comments

5 major Roles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Marketing

Sicurezza e regolamentazione dei casino online

I casino online sono diventati sempre più popolari negli ultimi anni, offrendo ai giocatori la possibilità di divertirsi e vincere premi senza doversi recare fisicamente in un casinò tradizionale. Tuttavia, la sicurezza e la regolamentazione dei casino online sono temi di fondamentale importanza per garantire un’esperienza di gioco affidabile e protetta.

La sicurezza dei casino online

La sicurezza dei casino online è un aspetto cruciale da considerare prima di iniziare a giocare. I giocatori devono assicurarsi che il sito su cui scelgono di giocare sia affidabile e abbia le necessarie misure di sicurezza in atto per proteggere i loro dati personali e finanziari.

Un modo per verificare la sicurezza di un casino online è controllare se il sito è dotato di una licenza di gioco rilasciata da un’autorità di regolamentazione rispettabile. Ad esempio, in Italia, l’Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (ADM) è l’ente responsabile per la regolamentazione del settore dei giochi d’azzardo online. Un casino online con licenza ADM offre maggiore tranquillità ai giocatori, in quanto deve rispettare rigidi standard di sicurezza e integrità.


La sicurezza e la regolamentazione dei casino online sono aspetti cruciali per garantire un’esperienza di gioco affidabile e protetta. I giocatori devono scegliere con cura i casino online su cui giocare, assicurandosi che siano dotati di licenze di gioco rilasciate da autorità di regolamentazione rispettabili e che utilizzino tecnologie di crittografia avanzate per proteggere i dati personali e finanziari. La regolamentazione dei casino online offre ulteriori garanzie di gioco equo e trasparente. Per trovare una selezione dei migliori casino online regolamentati in Italia, puoi visitare questo sito. Gioca in modo responsabile e divertiti!

Inoltre, i casino online sicuri utilizzano tecnologie di crittografia avanzate per proteggere le transazioni finanziarie e i dati personali dei giocatori. La crittografia a 128 bit è uno standard comune utilizzato per garantire che le informazioni sensibili siano trasmesse in modo sicuro attraverso Internet. I casino online affidabili forniscono anche informazioni chiare sulla loro politica sulla privacy e sulle misure di sicurezza adottate.

La regolamentazione dei casino online

La regolamentazione dei casino online è fondamentale per garantire un ambiente di gioco equo e protetto. I casino online regolamentati sono soggetti a controlli e verifiche regolari per garantire l’integrità dei giochi e la correttezza delle transazioni.

In Italia, i casino online devono ottenere una licenza rilasciata dall’ADM per poter operare legalmente. Questa licenza impone agli operatori di aderire a rigorosi standard di gioco responsabile, prevenzione del riciclaggio di denaro e protezione dei minori. Inoltre, i casino online regolamentati devono garantire che i loro giochi siano basati su un generatore di numeri casuali (RNG) certificato, che assicura l’equità nel risultato delle partite.

La regolamentazione dei casino online offre ai giocatori una maggiore tranquillità, in quanto possono affidarsi a un’entità di controllo indipendente per risolvere eventuali controversie e garantire che i loro diritti siano tutelati.

As the performance of artificial intelligence is increasing year by year, the more it is becoming integrated to suit the needs of the customers in digital marketing. Sometimes, digital marketers fear that Artificial Intelligence will replace their jobs in the upcoming future. This fact is to scare the layman, but the truth is artificial intelligence is in use in digital marketing for more than a decade. For example, if you have used ad campaign tools equipped with artificial intelligence tools to reach their target audience by collecting their personal information and categorizing them. This work is done with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. In this blog we will discuss about the 5 major roles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Marketing.


What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is also called machine intelligence. This intelligence is demonstrated by the machine, unlike the natural intelligence shown by humans and animals. The machine intelligence aim is to mimic the cognitive function of humans, such as problem-solving and learning. If you find artificial intelligence and machine learning fascinating, then Exploring Bits is the right place to satisfy your technical quest and exploration.


Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing


  Creating and generating the content


Many platforms are available where you can generate original content that will be completely plagiarism-free. This is possible with the help of Natural language processing that is used in artificial intelligence to create text-based content. The services like these are always paid. As a content creator in digital marketing, human quality and original creativity can not go into these machines. They will generate text that has already been created in a short unique form. For example, wordsmith, quill, articolo, etc. are platforms where you can enter your desired keywords and niche and generate content based on that.


  A/B experimenting


The New York Times, one of the top leading News websites in the world, experimented with its visitors. They will form two groups of titles and descriptions of the same news with different changes. Then they will show it to their audience and observe their behavior, depending on which title and description the audience is responsive. The showing of these different titles to different users can be based on the user profile and their interest, and it comes on the responsibility of machine learning to figure out the right title for the right user.


  Google Search


Google is the leading company in artificial intelligence and Machine learning. A decade earlier, google did not use artificial intelligence, and the engineers themselves did all the updates that occurred during 2008 there were 458 updates in a year. But when Google launched its Rankbrain update, a machine learning-based search algorithm, then the complete scenarios changed, and artificial intelligence was now behind all the updates from then. In 2019, 3228 updates occurred in a year and up to 8 times more than in 2009, and today it has become challenging for a website creator to push his ranking on the search as it was back in 2009.




To increase user experience, we use plugins on our website to chat or message. They appear with a bell-shaped or message icon at the bottom corner. They are called chatbots. The plugins that are used are automated for specific notices. But there is an entirely different spectrum of chatbots when artificial intelligence comes into the role. For example, Facebook chatbots can interact with the clients to negotiate any deals by understanding what they are typing in the message. This is possible with the help of Natural language processing. This is a specific topic in artificial intelligence that aims to understand how humans use language to interact. With enough datasets, artificial intelligence can provide the same answers as humans do. You may have heard the news that two Facebook chatbots started to communicate with each other in a language that only they could understand. This was the reason because of the wrong relations with words that artificial intelligence formed within its system.


  Predictive Analysis


Every digital marketer has experience working on social media. When you share a post with a large group of the audience, you can see that Facebook provides you the data about the engagement, reach, impression, etc. Companies then use this data and their analysts to help machine learning algorithms predict which post performed better based on the one week ago data. This is also called big data where companies such as Facebook and Amazon analyze their data to decide which post or which product the user will engage with based on his last day’s activity and even the recommendation system of many companies work in the same way.


Artificial intelligence and digital marketing are going hand in hand. And because of artificial intelligence advancement, we can see the growth in digital marketing. Marketing analysts can integrate artificial intelligence into their daily tasks and deliver more valuable results than before. The companies are becoming more aware of how artificial intelligence is integrating into the business, and therefore a completely new sector called business intelligence is developing.  Artificial intelligence is an excellent tool for humans to use and improve their performance.

This was all about the role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing. Stay tuned for more such updates.

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Max Digital Academy October 29, 2020 0 Comments
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