Category: SMM

The Power of Social Media Advertising for Your Business

Social media is a powerful platform for not only online business but also for
offline business. From small to big, from firm to big organizations, everybody uses it
to promote their business through different platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
Pinterest, YouTube, Google, and many other platforms. Through these platforms, they can promote their
brand, and small business, an essential way to reach your customers and gain valuable insights. Talking about social media advertising is a more effective platform in comparison to traditional advertising. social media advertising helps you by increasing your brand’s visibility and reach and it is more cost effective in comparison to traditional advertising.


As a business person, you know what advertising is for your brand and what platform is beneficial
talking social media advertising nowadays is used as the best advertising platform.
but why?
because most of the people across the world use social media platforms to keep themselves updated. approx
4.7 billion people use social media i.e 95%

so, if you are not on social media you are missing out on many things. Here are some more terms to define why
social media advertising is useful for business.

1. Talking about Instagram it has a very wide range of business and trends approx 90-96% of people use Instagram for
updating themselves and for their brand promotions.
2. X post reaches millions of users worldwide.
3. YouTube ads have the potential to reach approximately 3.5 billion users.
4. Many people use YouTube, Instagram, and google to make purchase decisions.
5. 90% of users find new brands/products on Pinterest.
6. 40-60% of users use Facebook for small business.

so, we can say that social media ads are beneficial.


    Some tips for social media advertising for small businesses.
    . Firstly concentrate on your target audience.
    Define your target audience and their needs if you don’t focus On these terms people with other interests will not benefit your Brand.
    . Secondly, make a decision about what platform you have to use for your business advertisement.
    You can go for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Google.
    . Create a custom audience
    This can enhance your ad target.
    . Plan your content.
    For further you have to plan your content as per audience niche, time, use a calendar
    To schedule your post
    . Use a strong call to action
    You can use it according to your post like for clothing brand advertisements use “purchase now or visit”, for school/college admission advertisements use “click here”, or “ subscribe now” or for any other content reel or anything use “download now” this can increase conversion rates.
    . Design your ads on a graphic designing tool
    . Test your ads to optimize performance.
    . Take a deep knowledge of your competitors
    . Follow trends for appearing on feeds
  • Some creative ways to promote your business on social media
    . Use hashtags
    . Run a contest
    . Collab with influencers
    . Do a giveaway
    . Do a question/answer and quiz session
    So, we can say that social media advertisement is the best way to promote your brand/ product

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How do fake followers on Instagram affect your brand?

In this article, we will be discussing on how do fake followers on Instagram affect your brand?

It’s no secret if I tell you that having a well-reputed profile and followers on social media can bring in a lot of benefits for you and your brand. But have you ever thought, what if you are attracting fake followers or bots?

Whether it has a huge following or not, almost every other page on Instagram will have many bots and fake followers. That is how they work. They intend to target the ‘n’ number of audiences to spread any message or increase their following so they can act as an influencer and earn money.

It was always like the more followers you have on social media will set you apart from others as it is linked to the credibility factor and benefits, of course!

Never buy Fake Followers


Now in search of more followers, people started taking shortcuts, which lead them to buy fake followers.

With that said, let’s quickly discuss:


Why should you remove fake followers on Instagram?

Having bots or fake followers can put you in trouble as every social media platform takes it seriously and will penalize you if you get caught red-handed.

At the start, you will enjoy having a significant number of fake followers on Instagram, but as soon as you get in the eyes of Instagram, they will delete your account.

Procuring fake followers is against every social media algorithm as these platforms are user-centered. They want their users to enjoy a secure and safe environment, and you are violating their laws if you entertain such spammy and fake following.

These are some of the reasons how fake following affects your brand and why you should remove them:


Lesser engagement with posts

Having a massive number of fake followers will not help you gain engagement. That’s because your followers’ followers are fake and will probably not interact with your post or stories.

Always aim for gaining real followers as they will increase your post engagement too.

Nowadays, organizations and brands focus more on post engagement and reach because they want your post to reach out to the maximum number of people.

Yes! It is not easy to gain followers on Instagram organically, but that’s the best way to grow and enjoy long-term benefits.


Get caught easily

Brands on Instagram have become more conscious and smart now when it comes to the number of followers, reach, engagement, etc.

They can catch you easily by just checking your Instagram profile, or even there are tools to see if you have fake followers.

Buying bots and junk followers will give you nothing except hopes that you will grab any paid partnerships.

Fake followers will give you inconsistency with your reach, likes, and engagement. So, it’s again pretty easy to see if you have a fake following. Or you are actually putting efforts in to grow yourself.


Fake followers on Instagram creates spam

Fake following is again a big problem now. Having bots or fake followers on Instagram can spam you with lots of junk comments, messages, etc. It is likewise very easily noticeable and can harm your reputation.

Another problem with bots is that they can also start attacking your real followers from your list, ultimately getting your profile spammed and even of your target audience and genuine followers.


Breaks down your reputation

Instagram has billions of active users and can be a great source of promoting your brand or product, news, etc.

Things actually work pretty fast with influencers like spreading any news, any specific product, etc. And since their engagement rate on posts is high, there are chances of conversions also.

But there is a credibility factor that you must qualify to enjoy a significant following and work with brands. If you have bots and fake followers, brands, and audiences will entertain you.

It makes brands not wanting to work with you if you have a fake following. In some cases, brands can even blacklist you for keeping them in the dark, and your real followers can even start unfollowing you.

Remember to target the real audience and present yourself as trustworthy.


How to remove fake followers on Instagram?

Having bots and fake followers can be a real pain but don’t worry! You can easily wipe them out of your following and still have a chance to win your credibility back.


Use tools to remove fake followers from Instagram

Take the help of several tools to get rid of fake followers and bots attacking your account.

Remember not to buy Instagram followers from any Growth Hack Services on Instagram. These services present themselves as they will increase your followers organically, but they did the opposite in actuality. They spam your account with fake followers and will even charge you for that.

Cleaner for IG is one of the best tools you can use to prevent yourself from fake followers and bots. You can download it for free on both platforms, i.e. android and ios. Cleaner for IG is pretty simple to use. You just need to:

●      Scan your account

●      It will provide you with a list of bots and fake followers on Instagram

●      Allows you to block them or remove them from your profile


Do it manually

Removing them manually can be a tedious, error-prone task. You can even miss out on some bots as well.

 But if you have a following between 500-1000, it will not take that much time to clean them out.

You can simply go through your following, check who you think is a bot or a fake account, and block or remove them.


Consequences of Fake Instagram Followers?

  1. Conflict engagements.
  2. Fake Instagram Followers can’t promote any products and services.
  3. Destroy reliability.
  4. Increasing chance of spammers.

What to do in order to prevent Fake Instagram Followers but keep them engaged?

Nowadays, the world is full of Fake Instagram Followers which imbalances the natural , real and accurate reach that unites the Fake Instagram Followers to his community.
The competition for key performance indicators, whether it is the extent of the community, the obligation is an insecurity for the genuine relationships between the fake Instagram followers and their groups.
Surely, in a way the professionalization of the market and even really difficult – for some real affiliates not to be able to identify the engagements anymore.

Shame on the process? Probably. But rather than giving in to the ease of bots and specialists should emphasize the culture of true relations with their communities.



Now you know how important it is to get rid of bots and fake followers on Instagram if you are willing to attract a considerable number of audiences and work with brands.

It is not easy to gain followers on Instagram organically, but you can achieve it and enjoy its chronic benefits with consistency. 


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Max Digital Academy November 26, 2020 0 Comments

Best Ways To Improve Instagram Video Ads

Let’s Find Out The Ways To Improve Instagram Video Ads


Why focus on Instagram video ads and how to improve Instagram video ads? Let’s find out

Instagram is one of the most widely used social media platforms worldwide. Hailing now from the Facebook family, Instagram has emerged as one of the most influential and feature-equipped social media hubs. It enables people and firms to connect with like minds and potential growth outlets virtually.

What makes Instagram a lucrative platform for businesses to experiment on and look out for development and growth areas is its vast user base of about 400 million. Also, the features of carousel ads, stories, and video ads are bingo!

Ahead of this, we’re all aware of the fact that people like to see more of visuals. Lesser, concise text and lots of visualization to look at is a trend no business can ignore.

Hence, Instagram video ads are a luring as well as a creative way to create connections with your customers. Like any other advertising campaign, Instagram video ads must rely on their quality to attract an ample number of customers and keep them engaged.

How to improve Insta video ads is just what this article is all about.

The importance of video ads in the form of stories is also enhanced as regular users do not update their stories as much as they do their feeds. This helps advertisers to stand out of the crowd of Insta users and market their product with accuracy.


The following points are a must on how to improve Instagram video ads:


1. The beginning is the most crucial:

This is something one can relate to from personal experience. As a viewer, if one doesn’t find the first few seconds engaging, they hardly give a shot to watching the complete video. Hence, employ your most creative mind to create the video ad’s plot and make it’s beginning as engaging as possible. It should have enough momentum of sound, effects, movement, and visuals to pique the viewer’s interest.


2. Insert text:

Since audio is kept muted by default in Instagram, insertion of text makes a good impression on the viewer and helps convey the vital message even if they can’t hear the audio playing in the background, by using text more than just captions. Use alluring effects to get your important thoughts across to the viewer’s end. Instead, keep in mind not to use too much text and make the video look boring and over-stuffed.


3. Keep your eye on one goal:

Focus on one central theme to weave each ad around. This gives clarity of content to the viewers and prevents vagueness. This could be brand awareness, product insights, or customer reviews. Do not try to cluster all into one single ad. Avoid making your video look like a pitching ad. Instead, tailor it for your customer. This creates a connection between your brand and customers.


4. Shooting in the appropriate dimensions is one of the major ways to improve Instagram Video Ads:

On Instagram, dimensions are the king. In the case of stories, you need to shoot the videos vertically and keep in mind that the video fills the entire screen. The best ads are those that fit into the whole screen. An editor format of 600*600 is recommended, while a 1:1 ratio is the key. The dimensions can be adjusted as and when required, with the same aspect ratio.


5. Please keep it simple:

Make it easy for your customers to track the content you want to direct them. Instead of asking them to go to a link in your bio, try to incorporate a ‘learn more’ option in your ad, which does precisely the same- directs them to the desired web page.


6. Optimizing your landing page can improve Instagram Video ads performance:

If an ad has a learn more option and swiping up, the user lands on a page that is not optimized according to the device they’re using. It creates a wrong impression. Keep the landing page of your website optimized to be accessed via a mobile. This is because Insta is accessed mostly through mobiles.


7. Provide solutions:

We’re all in search of answers to our problems. A good Instagram video ad should identify a problem that your potential customers face and provide a similar solution. This helps develop an emotional bond with them.


8. Brainstorm on the thumbnail selection:

Your video’s thumbnails will decide whether the viewer will turn on the volume, watch your hard work, and finally visit your web page and become a customer. Hence give an ample amount of time to select the best and most alluring thumbnails for your video.


9. Loopable videos:

Try creating loopable videos with the correct fade-in and fade-out effects at the intro and outro, respectively.


These are the points we need to focus on & improve Instagram video ads.

As mentioned earlier, these points will get you through to developing the best Instagram video ads and increase your customer base. The more time you spend in curating an apt video advertisement for Instagram, the more your brand will flourish.

You can start your own advertising agency and cater to the needs of different businesses.

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Max Digital Academy November 17, 2020 0 Comments
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