5 major Roles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Marketing

As the performance of artificial intelligence is increasing year by year, the more it is becoming integrated to suit the needs of the customers in digital marketing. Sometimes, digital marketers fear that Artificial Intelligence will replace their jobs in the upcoming future. This fact is to scare the layman, but the truth is artificial intelligence is in use in digital marketing for more than a decade. For example, if you have used ad campaign tools equipped with artificial intelligence tools to reach their target audience by collecting their personal information and categorizing them. This work is done with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. In this blog we will discuss about the 5 major roles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Marketing.
What is artificial intelligence?
Artificial intelligence is also called machine intelligence. This intelligence is demonstrated by the machine, unlike the natural intelligence shown by humans and animals. The machine intelligence aim is to mimic the cognitive function of humans, such as problem-solving and learning. If you find artificial intelligence and machine learning fascinating, then Exploring Bits is the right place to satisfy your technical quest and exploration.
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing
Creating and generating the content
Many platforms are available where you can generate original content that will be completely plagiarism-free. This is possible with the help of Natural language processing that is used in artificial intelligence to create text-based content. The services like these are always paid. As a content creator in digital marketing, human quality and original creativity can not go into these machines. They will generate text that has already been created in a short unique form. For example, wordsmith, quill, articolo, etc. are platforms where you can enter your desired keywords and niche and generate content based on that.
A/B experimenting
The New York Times, one of the top leading News websites in the world, experimented with its visitors. They will form two groups of titles and descriptions of the same news with different changes. Then they will show it to their audience and observe their behavior, depending on which title and description the audience is responsive. The showing of these different titles to different users can be based on the user profile and their interest, and it comes on the responsibility of machine learning to figure out the right title for the right user.
Google Search
Google is the leading company in artificial intelligence and Machine learning. A decade earlier, google did not use artificial intelligence, and the engineers themselves did all the updates that occurred during 2008 there were 458 updates in a year. But when Google launched its Rankbrain update, a machine learning-based search algorithm, then the complete scenarios changed, and artificial intelligence was now behind all the updates from then. In 2019, 3228 updates occurred in a year and up to 8 times more than in 2009, and today it has become challenging for a website creator to push his ranking on the search as it was back in 2009.
To increase user experience, we use plugins on our website to chat or message. They appear with a bell-shaped or message icon at the bottom corner. They are called chatbots. The plugins that are used are automated for specific notices. But there is an entirely different spectrum of chatbots when artificial intelligence comes into the role. For example, Facebook chatbots can interact with the clients to negotiate any deals by understanding what they are typing in the message. This is possible with the help of Natural language processing. This is a specific topic in artificial intelligence that aims to understand how humans use language to interact. With enough datasets, artificial intelligence can provide the same answers as humans do. You may have heard the news that two Facebook chatbots started to communicate with each other in a language that only they could understand. This was the reason because of the wrong relations with words that artificial intelligence formed within its system.
Predictive Analysis
Every digital marketer has experience working on social media. When you share a post with a large group of the audience, you can see that Facebook provides you the data about the engagement, reach, impression, etc. Companies then use this data and their analysts to help machine learning algorithms predict which post performed better based on the one week ago data. This is also called big data where companies such as Facebook and Amazon analyze their data to decide which post or which product the user will engage with based on his last day’s activity and even the recommendation system of many companies work in the same way.
Artificial intelligence and digital marketing are going hand in hand. And because of artificial intelligence advancement, we can see the growth in digital marketing. Marketing analysts can integrate artificial intelligence into their daily tasks and deliver more valuable results than before. The companies are becoming more aware of how artificial intelligence is integrating into the business, and therefore a completely new sector called business intelligence is developing. Artificial intelligence is an excellent tool for humans to use and improve their performance.
This was all about the role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing. Stay tuned for more such updates.