Category: Business

The Power of Social Media Advertising for Your Business

Social media is a powerful platform for not only online business but also for
offline business. From small to big, from firm to big organizations, everybody uses it
to promote their business through different platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
Pinterest, YouTube, Google, and many other platforms. Through these platforms, they can promote their
brand, and small business, an essential way to reach your customers and gain valuable insights. Talking about social media advertising is a more effective platform in comparison to traditional advertising. social media advertising helps you by increasing your brand’s visibility and reach and it is more cost effective in comparison to traditional advertising.


As a business person, you know what advertising is for your brand and what platform is beneficial
talking social media advertising nowadays is used as the best advertising platform.
but why?
because most of the people across the world use social media platforms to keep themselves updated. approx
4.7 billion people use social media i.e 95%

so, if you are not on social media you are missing out on many things. Here are some more terms to define why
social media advertising is useful for business.

1. Talking about Instagram it has a very wide range of business and trends approx 90-96% of people use Instagram for
updating themselves and for their brand promotions.
2. X post reaches millions of users worldwide.
3. YouTube ads have the potential to reach approximately 3.5 billion users.
4. Many people use YouTube, Instagram, and google to make purchase decisions.
5. 90% of users find new brands/products on Pinterest.
6. 40-60% of users use Facebook for small business.

so, we can say that social media ads are beneficial.


    Some tips for social media advertising for small businesses.
    . Firstly concentrate on your target audience.
    Define your target audience and their needs if you don’t focus On these terms people with other interests will not benefit your Brand.
    . Secondly, make a decision about what platform you have to use for your business advertisement.
    You can go for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Google.
    . Create a custom audience
    This can enhance your ad target.
    . Plan your content.
    For further you have to plan your content as per audience niche, time, use a calendar
    To schedule your post
    . Use a strong call to action
    You can use it according to your post like for clothing brand advertisements use “purchase now or visit”, for school/college admission advertisements use “click here”, or “ subscribe now” or for any other content reel or anything use “download now” this can increase conversion rates.
    . Design your ads on a graphic designing tool
    . Test your ads to optimize performance.
    . Take a deep knowledge of your competitors
    . Follow trends for appearing on feeds
  • Some creative ways to promote your business on social media
    . Use hashtags
    . Run a contest
    . Collab with influencers
    . Do a giveaway
    . Do a question/answer and quiz session
    So, we can say that social media advertisement is the best way to promote your brand/ product

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Top 5 Advantages of Digital Marketing in 2023

Digital marketing is a way of promoting products, brands, or services. It uses multiple forms of electronic media, such as Blogs Writing, Video Marketing, SEO, Podcasts, Social Media, and Email Campaigns.The great thing about digital marketing is that the results are measurable. Let us go through the Advantages of Digital marketing together.


This means that if your campaigns take place online, they are easy to track and analyse, so you can learn from your results and improve your digital marketing strategies timely.


1. Low Budget and Resistance


There is no more resistance to enter the digital marketing arena. Let’s take an example here: You have a small business and you think you require digital marketing. The good news is you don’t have to spend a bomb to start it.

5 steps to start your digital marketing journey.
  • Go to Google My Business and create an account.
  • Optimise the account and apply for the verification code. This way you set up a virtual shop for your brand or products.
  • You can start from one or two social media platforms like – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, etc.
  • You can create brand awareness, a loyal community & generate leads  using the digital medium.
  • You can start promoting your business with a minimal budget either via facebook ads or google ads. This can help you track real time results and these activities break your entry barriers.

2. Easily Measurable


Suppose you have a business and you have put a huge poster on the road or you have distributed pamphlets in your city. After doing these activities you can’t get any data about how many people came across your advertising materials. Neither can you know their age or gender.


Be it organic or paid, each and every metric of your digital marketing can be measured. From number of likes, comments,shares & saves to which age group & gender is engaging with your post.
You can design elaborate ad campaigns to reach your desired audiences. You can choose whom to show your ads. This will save you time and bring you quality leads.


Driving sales from these leads will be easier as they will be already interested in the product.
You can see your traffic’s data in Google Analytics and will have real time data in front of you to analyse and learn from.


3. 24×7 Marketing


When we opt for traditional marketing we are bound by time or money. Let us assume that you want to distribute pamphlets for brand awareness. You will be bound to do it during the day as you won’t get any audience in the market during the night.


As you opt for Digital Marketing you will get access to your audience for 24 X 7. People are usually using their phones and laptops till late at night scrolling social media or streaming youtube. You can choose any of these platforms to showcase your ads. You can choose a time you think your audience will be active at and run your ads to yield desired results.


4. Global Reach


To expand your business globally you have to make an enormous investment and take care of a lot of formalities, which is not easy.


Through digital marketing you can do it very easily and smoothly. You can approach your clients who are sitting a thousand of miles away in any part of the world using facebook or google ads. You can do all of this with a very minimal increase in your investment.


5. Unique Target


As we learnt in our article, you can choose your audiences and set a budget as per your need. You can target our unique audience. Every social media or Google gives you an option to use their unique targeting method to target only your potential customers according to your niche.


In today’s time it has become necessary to leverage the power of Digital Marketing. It gives you an upper hand over those who are still stuck with traditional methods. A successful marketing plan should include both traditional & digital methods. If you run a business and are looking forward to learning digital marketing to grow your business then join us at Max Digital Academy.


This article is submitted by our student Azeezul Khan.

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13 Incredible Ways: How to Increase Your Ecommerce Sales in 2023


This pandemic changed the way of shopping more than ever. Today 95% of people are shopping online which gives a great opportunity to those who want to start an online business. So here are a few tips & tricks which will help to boost your e-commerce sales in 2023.


1. Understand your target audience

To understand your audience, you have to make the right decisions about your products & services. When your store is online, it’s really very tough for any consumer to trust you at first. You need to make clear and transparent terms & policies to gain their trust. Define your brand values which will help you to create brand awareness among your targeted audience.


2. Showcase customer feedback & testimonials

By showing your customer’s feedback you gain the trust of your prospects. This will lead to more conversions in the near future because today all online shoppers see the reviews first before buying any product. This is one of the most essential weapon to add to your website to increase your online



3. Money-back guarantee

Online shopping provides a virtual platform for any user which means you can’t see or touch the products. You can only see the images of the product &

read the description which is mentioned on the site. So if a user is buying anything & is not happy with the experience of that product then an easy return/ replacement or money-back guarantee will build trust in the product. This will build the confidence of the user in your products & service & they might explore all the products are available on your site.


4. Provide all possible payment options

To make payment hassle-free for your user you should provide all the possible payment options so that they won’t face any issues buying your products. This will increase your online sales especially when you have strong mobile traffic.


5. Give lucrative offers

Users love free stuff so try to give anything for free in your current offer. We can take the example of Myglamm. They are having lucrative offers. They are giving codes to get 1 liquid lipstick for free or if you buy 4 liquid lipstick then you will get all at Rs.395. So to make your brand popular you have to give some freebies to your user.


6. Low shipping

The user generally prefers to order the product from those websites which offer them either low shipping or free shipping. So try to fix some amount

above that, if the user purchases in combinations then you should offer free shipping or as low shipping charge as possible.


7. Do SEO for your website

SEO improves your website ranking which will bring quality traffic to your website. It will help you to rank your website on the first page of the search engine result page(SERP). For doing SEO for your website you will require some knowledge of SEO tools. You can learn more about a few free SEO tools


8. Optimize for mobile

Mobile optimization is the process of adjusting your website content to ensure visitors can access the site from mobile devices. Optimized content can be easily viewed on both desktops and mobile.


9. Reduce website load time

According to Google market research, 53% percent of mobile users leave sites if it takes more than 3 seconds. Time is valuable so loading time should not be more. You can analyze your site’s speed with Google PageSpeed Insights, Google’s Test My Site, or Pingdom. These tools offer detailed information on the improvement of your website load time.


10. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the best tools for creating your company’s brand awareness. It helps to connect with your audience & understand what they like or dislike about your products & services. Major social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube.


11. Pay Per Click(PPC)

Pay per click(PPC) will boost your online sale by offering a direct and easy way to reach your targeted audience. A recent study from Search Engine Land stated that around 75% of online shoppers found information about their products through paid ads on search engine result pages (SERP) and on social media. These ads help users to get the relevant information more quickly & easily which not only convert leads into sales rather they help to create brand awareness among the targeted users as well.


12. Install live chat

It’s a wonderful way to generate e-commerce sales. It is also used to answer any query or doubt related to your product or service your clients or prospects may have. Any business site can get benefitted from this tool, even those sites can also use who won’t sell anything from their site. This live

chat tool can also be used to gather email addresses.


13. Return policies

It is very important to offer good return policies to attract your targeted audience & also make sure to make it hassle-free so that the user feels secure & satisfied to buy any product from your website without giving any second thought. You should offer good return policies to your user & it is very important to make your users clear & keep your promise.


Starting an e-commerce business takes a lot more than it appears on the surface. After reading this article I am sure you all agree with this.
Be it the strategies or your online presence every bit counts. If you are thinking of getting your business online make sure to abide by all these points or connect with our growing agency Viral Addaa.


This article is submitted by our student Chitra Banerjee. You can follow her on LinkedIn 




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What is Growth Marketing and Why Is It So Effective? [2023]

A data-driven approach that uses tests to determine how to optimize results is what Growth marketing is all about. Under these techniques, they experiment with different strategies and different channels altogether and check the results, optimize their best way for marketing spend
Growth marketing is something that includes traditional marketing and different aspects of the user’s experience, such as email marketing, SEO Optimization, and more. In order to achieve sustainable growth and robust, the strategies are quickly implemented based on the insights gained.
Goals of Growth Marketing or Growth Marketer

For any business or organization, there are set goals that are determined. So when a growth marketer is hired, the key role he focuses on is strategies on how to scale different dimensions and how to do it sustainably.

Goal: To get the traffic

1. Organic Traffic: Organic traffic to your website happens when any user visits your website after performing a search with any search engine. To get and to optimize organic traffic, your need to optimize your content to rank near the top of the search results, which includes quality content and healthy backlinks bout inbound and outbound.
2. Paid Traffic: Generating traffic advertising channels, need to check the expenditure and monitor the impression on ads.
3. Referral Traffic: When you get traffic neither via a search engine or advertisements but through links on social media as they personally liked your content and reach on your website.

Goal: Get Leads & Conversion Rate

Every visitor on your site, if they are not converting into new users, it doesn’t make sense. You need to check and optimize the overall conversion rate for the same.
1. Blog/Email Subscribers: Let the visitor read your content and subscribe to email. When they receive an email for new content on-site, they will revert back, which will help in click-through rate, subscriber growth, and shares.
2. Free Trial to Paid Trail: This is the best example of converting leads to users. If you are into product services, allow them to get a free trial. If they love it, they will surely turn into your paid customers and users.

Goal: Retain Customers

Make sure you don’t have churns; churns are those users who subscribe to the services you offer but stop using them. Try to retain them with the help of conducting surveys free offers to make sure they don’t back off or stop using your services.

Top 5 Core Components of Growth Marketing Strategies

Every marketing needs to be strategized, and as an organization, the business you need to share properly understands how to work around the metrics.
There are leading strategies that are helpful to attract, create, convert and retain customers.
1. A/B testing:
A/B testing is a popular implementation of the type of experimentation common in growth marketing. This testing could include either “A” and a “B” test or even a multiple series of tests to understand and know which works best for your content.
It’s not necessary that if “Test A” or “B” proved effective, might be the result of Test C might work more effectively for the audience of another segment.
2. Customer Lifecycle:
Customer lifecycle could be in three stages: activation, nurture, and reactivation. The activation stage is the initial when you welcome your customer with the onboarding trails and other pieces of stuff to make him comfortable to understand and make them familiar and build credibility.
The next step is the nurture stage, where you as a company strengthen your relationship with customers. It includes cross-marketing channels like sales, newsletters, recent updates, promotions, etc.
The final stage is reactivation is the most important as on this stage you focus on re-engagement or retaining the customer, and this could be done through campaigns like win backs and more.
3. Cross Channel Marketing:
Building a strategic channel to reach your customers is what cross-channel marketing focuses on. This includes many channels as per the audience’s preferences like SMS marketing, email marketing, in-app messages, push notifications, and more.
As a growth marketer, you need to understand and build campaigns according to your customer preferences.
4. Goals and Objectives:
Your strategy should be to practice setting goals and performance objectives. Yogi Berra famously said, “You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going because you might not get there.”
5. Start Small:
Every business marketing strategy should be well planned but make sure just like we plant a seed and don’t give plenty of water immediately, similarly start with a small marketing budget and grow gradually.
Growth marketing is not a sure-shot cure for your business, but it can definitely accelerate your business growth. A good growth marketer can experiment with different strategies and experiments and check out the result, which is fruitful for your organization and business.


This article is submitted by our student Chitra Banerjee


You can also read about Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

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Max Digital Academy February 10, 2022 0 Comments

Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing : Which One to Choose

Difference Between Tradition Marketing and Digital Marketing


The chaos and confusion between traditional marketing and digital marketing have been there since the two came into existence. And businesses are often confused about which one to choose. So we bring you the best possible comparison of Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing. But before we dive into the difference let’s talk about what is Marketing.


What is Marketing?


We need to clear “What is Marketing”. Marketing means a company takes an action to entice an audience to the company’s goods or services through high-quality messaging. Marketing aims to provide standalone value for prospects and customers through content, with the long-term goal of verifying product value, strengthening brand loyalty, and ultimately increasing sales.


What is Traditional Marketing?


It is old marketing that uses Newspaper media or classic channels, for marketing communication. This marketing nature has a steady and slow conversion with low engagement in this return on investment (ROI) cannot be measured easily, it’s less effective or more expensive. tracking is not possible in traditional marketing. Targeting is standardized, shuffle is not possible once the ad is placed. Regional reach and postponed results, consumers interruptions cannot skip the ads, as they are affixed to see them. There is only one communication working.


Top 5 Categories of Traditional Marketing


  • Marketing through Direct Mail
  • Print Media Marketing – Newspapers & Magazines
  • Broadcast Marketing -Television & Radio Channels
  • OOH Marketing – Public Transits such as Buses and Trains, Billboards, Street Furniture, and Cabs
  • Marketing thereon sales staff through person to person meetings, phone calls, events, direct selling

Top 14 Examples of Traditional Marketing


  • Burger King
  • Magazines for Women
  • Business Magazines
  • Branded Magazines is like a “HOG” Magazine of Harley-Davidson
  • ZooZoo by Vodafone
  • Billboard of Coca-Cola with Straw
  • “Pakka Indian” Marketing Campaign by McDonald’s
  • McDonald’s “Big Mac” Billboard
  • Tanishq “Swayahm” OOH Marketing Campaign
  • Harley Davidson Event Marketing Campaigns
  • Telemarketing by Politicians
  • Telemarketing by Call Centers and BPOs
  • Telemarketing by Financial Institutions
  • Referral or Network Marketing by MNCs

Reasons, why traditional marketing is preferred:

  • Easy connectivity.
  • Save hard copies.
  • Easy recognizable.
  • High reach.

4 points of traditional marketing


Top 5 Types of Traditional Marketing:


  • Print marketing which earns revenue from promotion and local advertising includes journals, posters, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, etc.
  • Broadcasting: It may include radio and television, which provides information, knowledge, news along entertainment.
  • Outdoor marketing: There are two leading ways of home marketing that play an important role in influencing clients over time.
    1) Hoardings

    2) Billboards
  • One-to-one marketing: It includes telemarketing or SMS marketing, which involves the promotions of products or services to the customers via telephone or SMS.
  • Direct Mail: it’s also known as advertising mail or email. It involves brochures, postcards, catalogs flyers, newsletters, and sales letters.

What is Digital Marketing?


It is the activity of advertising and selling the company goods and services by using online marketing channels and tactics. like smartphones, the internet, display ads, and so many other digitals are dynamic. the conversion rate of prospects to users is similarly fast. interaction between the consumer and companies online. it is just because the client can instantly check the product and offers. in this case, you can smoothly calculate the return on investment. digital marketing is better productive and less expensive compared to traditional, you can easily track the location where are from buyers who are interested in products. in this company easy to find the target audience who shows their interest currently or they search for it. you can easily pinch the ad even after being placed in digital marketing, you can easily fetch the product or services so easily this is not confined to a specific area. showing fast and real-time results to the marketer. and in digital marketing users have the option to easily skip the ads that they cannot find useful or they are not interested in. It has two-way communication to circulate information about products or services in reviews.


7 points of digital marketing


Top 9 Tactics are as Follows:


  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): It helps to increase your website’s rank on search engine result pages which gives you quality and quantity organic traffic.
  • Content Marketing: It refers to developing, promoting, and publishing for the targeted groups, creating brand awareness, and generating leads to your website.
  • Inbound Marketing: It is a core attracting, closing, converting, and delighting consumers. the procedure of obliging perspective through social media, branding, content marketing.
  • SMM (Social Media Marketing) are the platforms over social media which promote your brand such as YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Quora, etc.
  • PPC( Pay Per Click): It is advertising to drive traffic to the website when the advertiser companies ad is clicked.
  • Affiliate Marketing: It is promoting other brands on your websites and earning the commission on that for each sales conversion without precursor.
  • Native Advertising: It is a non-paid content form of advertising and the function of media upon which the ad appears.
  • Marketing Automation: It is directed as technologies and software platforms created for marketing departments and organizations to more effectively market on numerous channels online and automate repetitive tasks. A useful way on various platforms and automate like emails, etc.
  • Email Marketing: It is an approach to communication with Clients by sending emails to the mark audience and leading the audience to your website.

Note: Regardless, if you don’t want to avoid the traditional marketing method, use it when you want to connect people locally. but according to at present try to invest more time in digital marketing as per market priority.

These strategies can also give you a career path you might need. Know more about how one can make a career in digital marketing despite being a homemaker.


Blog Submitted By Our Student: Nasrur Khan

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Trends Of Digital Marketing To Follow In 2023

Trends of Digital Marketing to follow in 2023 

Do you own a business? If yes, then you must be offering products or services to your audience. Right? But the million-dollar question is- Are you making enough sales and leads to run a profitable business? It does not matter what your business is; or what services you provide. If you are not marketing the right way, you might never experience those mesmerizing sales and profits.

Nowadays, it is hard to find a successful business that does not have an online presence. By entering the online world, you can entertain hundreds and thousands of people with your services or products.

And you know the best part is that having an online presence isn’t unenviable.

However, it takes both smart and hard work to succeed.

Once you get set with your online presence, such as a website, you can focus on the marketing side.

What other way than digital marketing can be the best for your marketing campaigns? Veteran digital marketers even consider it inevitable. However, to get the most out of it, one needs to be continually analyze the growing trends in digital marketing.

Adaptation is a must here. Practicing old techniques will not show you the results you are thriving for. Adopt new tactics, improvise, and implement them accordingly.

Below are the trends of digital marketing to follow in 2021:


1. Content is the key

Content marketing is an essential sub-part of digital marketing. Prominent marketers even consider it as a necessary component of it.

Over the years, Google is being audience-centric. They are constantly revamping their algorithms and guidelines about ranking on the SERP. SERP stands for search engine results page.

It is the place where all the search results pop up whenever you search for something. And ranking on top will lead to more traffic, leads and sales.

To add some, your content must be original, educational, unique, etc., to rank higher. And applying SEO is like a cherry pie over a cake. Google ranks content that is rich in SEO. But hey, that doesn’t allow you to stuff keywords or use black hat SEO techniques.

Google is smart enough to differentiate between genuine and stuffed content. And as soon as you get caught, you might fall real quick and get yourself in trouble.

Content is the king without any doubt. It can add more value to your marketing campaign if done right.


2. Personalized Emails

Emails are still an effective way of communicating with a large audience. Regardless of the types, it’s still used for- personal, academic, commercial uses, and more.

Email marketing is never going to be down. In fact, it is the best way to keep your audience updated about your products and services.

Automated and personalized emails are the best way to target a specific kind of audience.

Let’s say you run a blog that attracts a good number of visitors. Here, you never know if a person is your daily or a one time visitor.

Email marketing is the answer to this. Sending emails to your visitors or readers every time you publish a new blog post might lead them to visit your site again and again. In this way, you can maintain the hype by keeping your audience updated.


3. Create interactive videos

Video marketing is gradually taking over text-based communication. How?

Because videos are highly engaging and interactive. It is an easy way to create a credibility factor among your audience. People spend more time watching videos as compared to textual based services.

Don’t believe me?

According to research, there are 2 billion active users who visit YouTube every month. Moreover, streaming apps like Twitch has over 15 million daily active users. Live videos create a buzz around people, making it a bit easy for companies to promote themselves.

Organizations that offer products or services tend to use this as a medium to grow their sales and brand awareness.


4. Social media platforms

One of the best trend of digital marketing to follow in 2023 is Social Media Marketing. Social media apps had no longer been just a picture or video-sharing platform. It has been more since companies find their real worth.

Organizations now are not restricting themselves to traditional ways of marketing. They had taken a step further to these social platforms.

And why not? In 2019, Facebook had around 2.45 billion active users, making it stand on the top of the game. However, it is losing to hold up and attract younger people or millennials.

On the other hand, Instagram is another popular social app with over 500+ million daily active users. It is much more prevalent among millennials.

Whatever your services or products are, social apps are a great way of attracting a large audience and increase brand awareness and sales.


5. Let chatbots do the work

Chatbots saves a lot of your time by interacting with your audience or customers. It is an AI technology that is evolving over time. Though, a lot of companies are already taking its benefits.

Chatbots are designed to interact and communicate with humans but in a natural way. Primarily, they converse through text though voice communication is also possible.

As chatbots are AI-based technology, they collect insights through conversation and enhance user-experience every time. The main attributes of having a chatbot are- 24 hours service, no expenses, and instant responses.

It has found that 43% of the visitors choose to text a chatbot rather than going on a call with a customer care executive. It is quite visible to see chatbots as one of the trends in digital marketing.



Practicing and experimenting with your marketing campaigns is always a better idea to follow. If one thing doesn’t work out, shift to another. Or change the way you do it. Maybe try planning out something new.

Involving in traditional ways might not lead to the results you are wondering about. There is always a risk involved in marketing campaigns.

Analyze what you do and then implement it. The future of digital marketing is bright. But you got to keep up with its evolving trends. You can also consult some seasoned Digital Marketing agency for you marketing campaigns.

What influential digital marketing trends do you follow? Let us know.










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Max Digital Academy February 5, 2021 0 Comments
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