Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing : Which One to Choose

Difference Between Tradition Marketing and Digital Marketing
The chaos and confusion between traditional marketing and digital marketing have been there since the two came into existence. And businesses are often confused about which one to choose. So we bring you the best possible comparison of Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing. But before we dive into the difference let’s talk about what is Marketing.
What is Marketing?
We need to clear “What is Marketing”. Marketing means a company takes an action to entice an audience to the company’s goods or services through high-quality messaging. Marketing aims to provide standalone value for prospects and customers through content, with the long-term goal of verifying product value, strengthening brand loyalty, and ultimately increasing sales.
What is Traditional Marketing?
It is old marketing that uses Newspaper media or classic channels, for marketing communication. This marketing nature has a steady and slow conversion with low engagement in this return on investment (ROI) cannot be measured easily, it’s less effective or more expensive. tracking is not possible in traditional marketing. Targeting is standardized, shuffle is not possible once the ad is placed. Regional reach and postponed results, consumers interruptions cannot skip the ads, as they are affixed to see them. There is only one communication working.
Top 5 Categories of Traditional Marketing
- Marketing through Direct Mail
- Print Media Marketing – Newspapers & Magazines
- Broadcast Marketing -Television & Radio Channels
- OOH Marketing – Public Transits such as Buses and Trains, Billboards, Street Furniture, and Cabs
- Marketing thereon sales staff through person to person meetings, phone calls, events, direct selling
Top 14 Examples of Traditional Marketing
- Burger King
- Magazines for Women
- Business Magazines
- Branded Magazines is like a “HOG” Magazine of Harley-Davidson
- ZooZoo by Vodafone
- Billboard of Coca-Cola with Straw
- “Pakka Indian” Marketing Campaign by McDonald’s
- McDonald’s “Big Mac” Billboard
- Tanishq “Swayahm” OOH Marketing Campaign
- Harley Davidson Event Marketing Campaigns
- Telemarketing by Politicians
- Telemarketing by Call Centers and BPOs
- Telemarketing by Financial Institutions
- Referral or Network Marketing by MNCs
Reasons, why traditional marketing is preferred:
- Easy connectivity.
- Save hard copies.
- Easy recognizable.
- High reach.
Top 5 Types of Traditional Marketing:
- Print marketing which earns revenue from promotion and local advertising includes journals, posters, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, etc.
- Broadcasting: It may include radio and television, which provides information, knowledge, news along entertainment.
- Outdoor marketing: There are two leading ways of home marketing that play an important role in influencing clients over time.
1) Hoardings
2) Billboards - One-to-one marketing: It includes telemarketing or SMS marketing, which involves the promotions of products or services to the customers via telephone or SMS.
- Direct Mail: it’s also known as advertising mail or email. It involves brochures, postcards, catalogs flyers, newsletters, and sales letters.
What is Digital Marketing?
It is the activity of advertising and selling the company goods and services by using online marketing channels and tactics. like smartphones, the internet, display ads, and so many other digitals are dynamic. the conversion rate of prospects to users is similarly fast. interaction between the consumer and companies online. it is just because the client can instantly check the product and offers. in this case, you can smoothly calculate the return on investment. digital marketing is better productive and less expensive compared to traditional, you can easily track the location where are from buyers who are interested in products. in this company easy to find the target audience who shows their interest currently or they search for it. you can easily pinch the ad even after being placed in digital marketing, you can easily fetch the product or services so easily this is not confined to a specific area. showing fast and real-time results to the marketer. and in digital marketing users have the option to easily skip the ads that they cannot find useful or they are not interested in. It has two-way communication to circulate information about products or services in reviews.
Top 9 Tactics are as Follows:
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization): It helps to increase your website’s rank on search engine result pages which gives you quality and quantity organic traffic.
- Content Marketing: It refers to developing, promoting, and publishing for the targeted groups, creating brand awareness, and generating leads to your website.
- Inbound Marketing: It is a core attracting, closing, converting, and delighting consumers. the procedure of obliging perspective through social media, branding, content marketing.
- SMM (Social Media Marketing) are the platforms over social media which promote your brand such as YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Quora, etc.
- PPC( Pay Per Click): It is advertising to drive traffic to the website when the advertiser companies ad is clicked.
- Affiliate Marketing: It is promoting other brands on your websites and earning the commission on that for each sales conversion without precursor.
- Native Advertising: It is a non-paid content form of advertising and the function of media upon which the ad appears.
- Marketing Automation: It is directed as technologies and software platforms created for marketing departments and organizations to more effectively market on numerous channels online and automate repetitive tasks. A useful way on various platforms and automate like emails, etc.
- Email Marketing: It is an approach to communication with Clients by sending emails to the mark audience and leading the audience to your website.
Note: Regardless, if you don’t want to avoid the traditional marketing method, use it when you want to connect people locally. but according to at present try to invest more time in digital marketing as per market priority.
These strategies can also give you a career path you might need. Know more about how one can make a career in digital marketing despite being a homemaker.
Blog Submitted By Our Student: Nasrur Khan