Category: SEO

5 Local SEO Tips for More Traffic in 2023

Search Engine gives weight-age to the Location-based result which has relevancy to the user location. Earlier Location was estimated using IP Address but now smartphone and location-based technology made it possible for the the search engine to get the location of the user very precisely. 60% of internet searches are local searches.

People are looking for some service provider, shop, specific brand store, etc near them. This indicates it is high time for you to adopt Local SEO strategies if you Own a small business to target local customers.

Google Business Profile is a tool to create, manage and optimize you Business Profile on Google. It shows these profiles on Search Engine Result Page and Google Map as well.


5 Local SEO Strategies for 2023


1. Have A Google Business Profile Account

Google My  Business is a tool to create, manage and optimize you Business Profile on Google. Google shows these profiles on Search Engine Result Page and Google Map as well.

2. List Your Business Online in Multiple Sites

Business listings are an online brief  information of your business.  It  helps customers to find you online and in real life. Business listings also helps improving your google profiling by adding more value into it due to more citation. You can list your business on business listing site to get more traffic through local searches, some of the Business listing sites are:-

  • Sulekha
  • Just dial
  • India Mart

3. Use Consistent NAP In Business Listing Sites

Nap is a core of Local SEO. NAP is a short form of Name, Address and Phone Number. When you enter your NAP in different Business Listing Sites, You will have to  ensure it is the same letter-for-letter.

  • Do not allow even the slightest inconsistency in your NAP across the internet as it is case sensitive.
  • Even difference in formats can confuse search engines.

4. Make Your Site Mobile Friendly

Well, when we talk about local searches we need to know that almost 61% of google searches are being performed by mobile devices and when it comes to local searches then the percentage of mobile searches rises. So, if you got a website and you want it to appear on local searches then you will have to work on its mobile friendliness.

You can optimize your site using these tips:

  • Make Sure your Site loads quickly on mobile devices, precisely under 3 seconds.
  • Ensure your content is readable. It has a font size that is readable.
  • Don’t fill your content with too many images, use images sparingly. No room for fillers on a mobile screen.
  • Make sure you use intuitive UI for a better user experience.
  • To check if your website is optimised aptly you can use this free mobile friendly testing tool.

5. Creating Content Based on Locality

Well, if you want to attract local audience to your site and want to improve local traffic on your site then one of the best option will be creating content based on Local Event, News and Stories.

Local Audience are going to relate more to local contents about stories and events near them and this is an opportunity for you to get your potential customer. You can write blogs about local content on  your website, you can create some pages on your site based on local contents you can also create videos.

Local SEO can improve your presence across the web. Optimised Local SEO can bring you quality leads and improve the conversion rate all together. If you are willing to learn Search Engine Optimisation to sky rocket your business check our SEO Course here.

This article is submitted by our student Shail Shubham

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Top 5 SEO Tools 2023

SEO tools – You might have come across the term SEO a lot many times since we are talking about Digitalisation. Do you wonder what is SEO? SEO is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization. It is a technique that help you rank your website on the first page of SERP (Search Engine Result Page). As it is said, out of sight is out of mind, so it is very important to rank on the first page of your search engine. In order to optimize your website we require a lot of tools. Here we are talking about the top 5 SEO tools (free of cost) that can make your work easy. 

Top 5 SEO Tools to Use in 2023


1. Google Analytics

 Google Analytics is a free tool made by Google, with the help of which you can track the visitor activations happening on your website. For this, you have to add the code of analytics to your website. And with the help of Google Analytics, you can grow your blog and online business in an even better way, from Analytics you can get many types of information such as :

  • How many people visit your website Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly. Location, Country, City.
  • Which sources come from Direct, Social Media, Organic and Referral
  • How many pages do you read, how long do you read, which pages are read more.
  • How many visitors are reading your website and blog in real-time?

Google Analytics seo tools.webp


Google Analytics is a free tool from Google Marketing Platform, from which you can get complete information about the traffic coming to your blog website and your audience.

Google Analytics is very useful and if you say, then your blog and website have come where you can see everything about your website such as:-

  • You can check the performance of your website and blog.
  • You can see differently how much traffic is coming to your blog and website from google, from forums, and on social media.
  • How many people visit your website in real-time and how much traffic comes to your website daily.
  • You can see which articles and pages people are reading more.
  • You can identify your audience and understand their behavior.

2. Google search console

Google Search Console is a free tool, in which we can know better about the user visiting our website. For example, how many times our website was clicked on searching a keyword in Google. What is the average rank of our website on a keyword, how many of our posts have been indexed in Google, etc?


google search console seo tools.webp


Main parts of Google Search Console

As soon as you open the search console, you will see some options on its left side. It is very easy to use these options, some of the main ones are as follows –

Performance – This is the primary part of the search console that reviews your site’s traffic. When you click on the achievement tab you will see three conditions.


  • Total clicks –From this column, you will know how many people clicked on the result page after seeing your site. In other words, how many people wanted to visit your site.
  • Total impression – In this column, it is told how many times the name of your site is shown on the search engine result page.
  • Average CTR – The full form of CTR is click-through rate. It is not necessary that there were as many licks as there were visits. There can be many reasons such as slow loading speed, bad internet connection, or the user’s mind changes, due to which he does not visit your site even after doing a dick. So this information about the traffic gives a better conclusion than the first column.
Coverage – The first part of Search Console tells about the stay at of our site by users, but this coverage tab gives us information from Google’s point of view that when Google comes around our site, what issue did it face. This is a kind of report in which google tells which pages of your site are indexed, which ones did not index, and the reasons for them. It gives all this information.


Are you willing to learn SEO? Check out our SEO Course here.


  • Errors – In this part, google tells the number of pages that could not be indexed due to some error.
  • Errors but indexed – In this part, the volume of those pages is given in which there are some minor faults but still google indexed those pages.
  • Valid pages – In this column, the volume of those pages is written in which no error was faced in indexing google. These pages of your site are excellent.
  • Excluded – In this part, the quantity of those pages is given which google did not index intentionally. There is no error in them, rather these nymphs are intentionally excluded.
Site map – In this part, you can add the sitemap of your site in the option with add sitemap. After this Google will tell you how many URLs related to your site were successful in submission and how many URLs Google was able to index without any problem.


3. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free keyword tool from Google. Which helps in finding the right keywords for Google Ads and planning Ad Campaigns. Also provides necessary information about keywords. Such as Search Volume, Impressions, Competitive Score, CPC, etc. Although it has been made keeping in mind the advertisers. But you do not need to advertise to use it.


google keyword planner seo tools.webp


4. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a plugin used in WordPress, which is used to make all three types of SEO and content readable. That is, this plugin is used to make its content and entire page friendly to Google or other similar search engines. This plugin is currently working on 1.2 crore websites. As a company, 140 people are working here from the city of Wijchen in the Netherlands. Apart from this, more people are connected to this plugin and giving their services.

yoast seo plugin seo tools.webp


5. Ubersuggest Extension

Ubersuggest is a Free Keyword Research & SEO Tool created by Neil Patel, one of the world’s largest digital marketers, with the help of which you can get Keyword Ideas, Content Ideas, Traffic, and Site for your website or blog for free. Can generate things like an audit.

Once you learn to use Ubersuggest free tools, then no one can stop you from being successful in the field of blogging.

With the help of this tool, your ranking has the biggest impact, due to which millions of traffic starts coming to your blog, and with the help of that traffic, you can easily earn 1000+ dollars every month.

ubersuggest seo tools.webp


These tools are the catalysts that can fasten your process of SEO. Using these tools will lead to time and effort saving.

This article is submitted by our student Vivek Patel Verma. He is the founder of

You can also connect him on LinkedIn

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7 Incredible Ways : How To Write SEO Friendly Article For Beginners

How to write SEO Friendly Article ? 2021 [UPDATED]

Writing articles and content for websites is a skill. And like any other skill, it can be improved by practice. Writing SEO friendly articles for your website to get you more traffic from search engines seems like a tough nut to crack, so we bring you this article on how to write SEO friendly article that will sort major issues for you as a beginner.

I know writing an article is not an easy task, especially when you are writing SEO friendly articles for the first time. Many people think SEO is challenging, but actually, it’s not true. There are few easy steps to make your article SEO-friendly. Things like the title of the post and description, blog structure, headings, and paragraphs, are straightforward to fix, and it plays a notable role in ranking.


What a good article contains?


Like I said before, excellent writing can’t be taught but, good writing definitely can. As a writer, you are eventually a storyteller, conveying the story of your experiences through different mediums and reframed for additional viewers. So please write to the point and choose eye-catching keywords; try to use them periodically. Here are some best practices for generating impressive, captivating articles:


Use Relatable Examples:

Strong, relatable examples give writing more power. When you are writing, avoid purely theoretical material, share your exciting experience with your reader as a reference frame. Your these stories will stay in readers mind longer than facts or numbers.


Don’t Hide Your Voice:

Give your readers a unique voice. Don’t be afraid to be funny (if you’re funny), quirky, even a little weird. Your authentic voice is one of your greatest strengths. The more you sound like a human being, the more are the chances people will want to engage with you.


Target your Audience:

 Your article for SEO is not your diary. Before starting to write, you should know your target audience, whether the public or some business holders and then write according to their taste. Make sure you choose language suitable for the audience you’re addressing. If you’re writing for a broader audience, try to use words that are spoken daily. Keep paragraphs short and on-point.


Writing for SEO

Keep these tips in your mind; crafting a good article should be simple. By optimizing your content to appear more often in search engine recommendations, you will be increasing both visibility and trustworthiness.

Although getting traffic on a website requires a lot of SEO techniques. But writing content that is SEO-friendly has its own importance. So here we will discuss a few ways on how to write SEO friendly article.



7 Incredible ways to Write SEO friendly content


7 ways to write SEO friendly Content

Be Original:

 Popular SEO keywords in your articles are one of the best ways to drive up your recommendations. Choose organic keywords to create SEO, friendly content. Readers, who spend a lot of time on the search engine, are particularly capable of noticing if you’ve just stuffed your work with words.


Keyword Placement:

Make sure you optimize keywords in your SEO articles by placing them in your titles and subtitles. Create a hierarchy of keywords and use the most search generating upfront. Be assured to use your most important keywords in the title.


Include Picture:

Include images with alt text to get your page more shareable and show up in the search engine. Image-driven content is getting more and more play as a digital marketing technique, and it is particularly suited to viral your content within a short time space.


Add Links to Previous Content:

If you want to rank your older content and to drive traffic higher, then add your last content link to them from your newer posts.


How to write SEO Optimized Description:

The SEO description tag summarizes the article in less than 156 characters. When you search for something or a keyword on the internet, the result displays you on the same website with three choices: Title, Permalink, and Description. So optimized your description to be informative and eye-catching to encourage readers to click your link and visit your article.


Add Internal & External links:

If you have previously written an article related to topics or the same topic, don’t ignore to add the link of your previous article writings. It determines your authorization over the matter and, more substantially, your readership. Adding links to articles also crucial for google ranking.


Keep your Paragraphs Concise:

Don’t use more comprehensive sections that distract readers’ minds. They might get annoyed because most people read articles from mobile phones, so if you use short paragraphs, it can be easy for them to understand well and read more focused. The content should include  Heading Tags in a hierarchy that gives a proper structure to the content and indicates sections in a particular content.


By using these tips, I hope you will be on your way to a higher SERP ranking within no time; and you’ll be enhancing your reputation as a quality content provider at the same time. If you have any questions related to this article, you can ask us on our Facebook group.


This blog precisely indicates how to write SEO friendly article & get more traffic.




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10 Best SEO Techniques To Use In 2023

Best  SEO  Techniques


Ever wonder why your website is not ranking on the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)? The reason could be the poor implementation of SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is a proven strategy for driving organic traffic to your website or brand. In this article we will discuss about 10 best SEO techniques which can really bring more visibility and traffic to your website. 

53.3% of all the website traffic comes from organic search. 

You see, that’s the power of SEO! 

SEO is basically a sub-part of digital marketing, that every brand or organization is taking advantage of. Google tends to change its algorithm frequently for the betterment of its users and how it actually works. Though, SEO will always shine bright whenever it comes to ranking. 


Which SEO technique is more beneficial?  On-page  SEO  or  Off-page  SEO?


As far as the best SEO technique is concerned, we need to focus on both On-page & Off-page SEO.


SEO can be classified into two types-  On-page &  Off-page  SEO 

On-page & Off-page SEO can be two different gold mines, generating a lot of traffic and eventually revenues, if done right. But getting the gold out of the mines has never been an easy task. You have to put a lot of effort to achieve the desired results. 

 So, without further ado, let’s quickly dive into these best SEO techniques:


What is On-page SEO? 

On-page SEO or on-site SEO is one of the best SEO technique to practice for optimizing your website in such a way that it ranks on the top of the SERP. Now when I say Optimizing your website it means optimizing the core functionalities of your website that is visible to your audience (frontend). 

Here’s the list of some critical factors of on-page SEO, that can influence your ranking: 


Title tags 

Title tags are an important factor in on-page SEO. It represents what your page is all about in the form of a title or main heading. Here’s how the title tag looks like on SERP:

Title Tag

Some of the basic principles for writing an effective title tag is: 

  • Maximum length can go up to 60 characters including space (not more than that)
  • Use keywords in your title tag (make sure they look natural, don’t stuff)
  • Make it interesting and informative


Meta description 

Meta description exists just below the Title tag. It is a short description that tells the audience about your website or any specific page. An effective meta description can be anywhere from 150-160 characters. And the ideal length for getting featured as a snippet on Google is 155-160 characters.

Meta Discription

However, Google will automatically create a meta description if it is missing. Though, it is recommendable to create a rich, informative, and engaging meta tag on your own. And even add some SEO optimized keyword for ranking purposes, but make it sound natural.


Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 

URL might seem insignificant and doesn’t have an impact on-page SEO, right? 


Choosing an appropriate URL for your website is a must. Many people find it futile and end up creating this: 

Did you get it? No, right? 

Now, look at this: 

This was crisp and self-explanatory, right? 

Build your URL user-friendly by making it easy to understand and readable. 

You can even add the relevant SEO keywords to your URL but again, it should not be stuffed and looks natural.


Heading tags (H1, H2, H3, H4) 

Heading tags generally contains 6 types- H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 

  • H1 is meant for the headline of any blog/article etc.
  • H2 is used to convey the sub-headings or sub-titles and,
  • H3 is what you write your content in. 

The H4, H5, and H6 tags are less prioritized because of their size offerings and how they work.

Here’s a quick example of how these tags appear:

Heading Tags


Again, sprinkling relevant SEO optimized keywords that look natural to your Heading tags can work wonders for you. It is one of the major factors of ranking on SERP and can put you at an advantage.


Image alt text 

Alt text image is defined as the description of the image that fails to load on your website, due to any possible reason. It is basically a back-up that can give your readers a glimpse of what the failed image is about, in the written form. 

Here’s what you need to write a fruitful alt text image: 

  • Make it simple, short, and informative
  • Optimize it for SEO by using relevant keywords
  • Do not stuff keywords
  • Do not use words like “image of,” “picture of,” etc. 

For instance:

Recently Placed Student of MDA 


What would be the alt text for this image? 

<img scr=”Placed_Student.jpeg” alt=”recently placed student of MDA”>

If you thought the same, yay! You’re right. But if you didn’t, that’s fine too as the alt text can be anything as long as it is relevant.


Websites performance 

Are you willing or struggling to rank your website on the top page of the SERP? 

The performance of your website plays a vital role in ranking and user-experience. Google considers performance factors like- Page load time, responsiveness, interface, etc. and ranks accordingly. 

In a survey, it was said that 61% of the searches on Google are done on mobile devices. And Google is the leading search engine that handles over 3.5 billion search results per day. 

Google doesn’t joke around with its ranking algorithms and user-experience. And you shouldn’t even. Violating laws like- plagiarized content, etc. can put you in a lot of legal issues.

Website page load speed is a crucial factor in ranking. It is said that 40% of the users will leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load a page. 

Wonder how to check your website page speed and other similar factors? Google PageSpeed Insights allows you to check your website page speed and more factors like- Time to interact, First contentful paint, suggestions to improve page load speed, and much more. You can access your website score for both mobile and desktop devices.


XML sitemap 

XML sitemap basically collects all the URLs of your website. It is performed so that the search engine knows what content the website possesses and what is the way to reach out to it. It is implemented to endeavor the website crawlers for and efficient indexing of websites that: 

  • Frequent changes on the website
  • Adds new pages frequently
  • Already possess hundreds or thousands of pages 


What is Off-page SEO? 

Off-page SEO refers to the steps or actions you take in order to make your website rank on the SERP. Off-page is another best SEO technique which affects ranking & visibility among SERP’s. There are several tactics you need to implement to get the best out of it for you and your website like- brand awareness, Domain Authority (DA), leads and conversions, etc. 

Off-page SEO is basically you, putting efforts to promote and linking your website to others in search of achieving above mentioned factors. 

Below are the steps to an effective off-page SEO strategy:


External link building 

External link building is one of the major factors in increasing your websites DA. 

Take it as you are scrolling to your Instagram feed and found an interesting video. Now, to watch that video you clicked on the provided link and it redirected you to YouTube. In this, YouTube is the platform getting a backlink from Instagram. 

No doubt creating backlinks or external links is one of the best SEO technique. But wait, pointing out to any website or getting backlinks from a website that is spammy or not authoritative can degrade your websites DA. And you wouldn’t want that right? 

Analyzing the website and try to get insights. See if the website is authoritative and credible. If yes, go ahead and give them a backlink and you can ask for one back. 

Initially, it might be difficult to get backlinks from sites that are reputed. But you can always look out for your competitors that which sites they are pointing to and if they are getting a link back. If they do, there are chances they might link back to you.


Internal link building 

Internal link building and external link building both come under “Backlinks” and are equally important. Building Internal Link is called a practice of giving backlinks to different pages of website.

Suppose, there is a reader on your website, reading one of your blog on “How to start freelancing.” Afterward, he/she is interested in reading “How much money freelancers earn?” and fortunately, you have that blog on your website. 

But the reader isn’t aware of that. And most likely he/she will jump back to google and search for a new blog to read. 

In this scenario, you can backlink “How much money freelancers earn” onto your blog “How to start freelancing” 

This way you can increase your traffic on every page, on-page time will also get a rise.


Social Media Sharing 

The power of social media is mind-blowing. In 2019, over 246 million people in the US were using social media networks. And that number is expected to reach approximately 257 million by 2023. 

However, social media do nothing to increase your DA and several other factors. But it is recommendable to put those “social shares buttons” so users can share your blog/article directly if they like it. Yes, it may not increase your DA but it can be an excellent source of generating traffic, increasing brand awareness, etc.


Forum sites 

Forum sites again do not affect your websites Domain Authority (DA) but it is an effective way of redirecting a vigorous amount of traffic to your website. Chat sites or forums are designed where people across the globe can ask their queries and get answers to them. 

Answering questions similar to your domain and linking back to your website can bring in a lot of new audiences. 

One thing to keep in mind- Do not answer questions just for the sake of getting traffic. In fact, value the user and answer honestly. This way you will earn credibility and eventually the user might become a lead.


Which is more beneficial- On-page or Off-page SEO? 

The simple answer is BOTH. 

On-page SEO is what users see on your website and off-page SEO is how users get to know about your website or brand or product. So, both are equally important. 

An arrow has no meaning without a bow and vice versa. Similarly, on-page & off-page SEO apart would have no meaning. 

Practicing these best SEO techniques together is a win-win situation.


Career opportunities in Search Engine Optimization 

Once you learn the know-how, you can easily manage SEO for your website. You can even start your career as an SEO expert. As every company wants to tap the organic traffic on their website, lots of openings flood the job market. You can even take up freelance Search Engine Optimization projects and start your freelance career.







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